05 December 2019

Notes from the public forum held on 05 December 2019
There were no members of the public present.

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 05 December 2019 at 7.30pm in The Bungalow at the Old Rectory, Stickney

1. Apologies for absence
Apologies: Apologies were accepted from Cllrs Lawrence, Cooper and Edwards and from Dist Cllr Ashton and County Cllr Bowkett
Present: Cllrs Pavely, Pritchard and Bolland (Chairman)
Also Present: Dist Cllr Jones

2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies (5 minutes)
Dist Cllr Jones reported:
a. The dates for the Christmas waste collections on the ELDC website.
b. A telegraph pole is on the footway at Main Road, this will be reported to LCC.
c. The post office at New Bolingbroke is being refurbished and will re-open soon.
County Cllr Bowkett reported by email:
i. The LCC gritters are prepared for the winter.
ii. Call connect are charging £1.00 per journey over the Christmas period.
iii. Tips for preparing for winter can be found on the LCC website: LCC Emergency Planning and Business Continuity with weather reports at Met Office Weather Ready
d. What3words is an app that can assist in finding a location, this is free to download and is being promoted by the emergency services.

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest.

4. Notes of the meeting held on 07 November 2019 to be approved and signed as the minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Bolland and seconded by Cllr Pavely that the minutes be signed as a true record.

5. Clerk’s report covering matters from the November meeting
The Clerk had nothing to report

6. To receive a report from the Chairman
The Chairman had mothing to report

7. To receive update regarding HMRC PAYE account
Everything is now in order with the PAYE and HMRC

8. To discuss advert payments in the magazine
a. The Clerk explained an issue with one of the advertisers, it was resolved that the advert be removed and the payment re-imbursed.
b. The payments received for the adverts will be advised at the next meeting.

9. To receive update of the sale of hte hand-held speed equipment 
a. The Clerk has a list Councils that would like to purchase the equipment. There has been no response from the first Council to enquire.
b. It was resolved to offer the equipment to the second Council on the list.

10. Finance report:
a. To approve the following for payment:
E L Arnold expenses 59.36
Salaries + tax rebate 1767.88
UK Waste Solutions (cemetery skip – November) 37.53
K & P Services (Clock winding) 40.00
K & P Services (siting notice board) 10.00
Malc Firth Landscapes (grass cutting – cemetery) 48.00
Malc Firth Landscapes (grass cutting – play area) 264.00
Bolingbroke Deanery (February magazine) 50.00
E L Arnold (white paper for magazine) 16.00
Edmund Czajkowski (service church clock) 170.00
(the form to approve the fee for next year, £171.50, was signed)
Jo Adams (advert re-imbursement) 80.00
Salaries (post-dated) 710.
Evelyn Sands (PAYE – post-dated) 45.00
K & P Services (clock winding – post-dated) 40.00
UK Waste Solutions (cemetery skip – post-dated) 34.90
b. The balances in the bank accounts at 15 November:
i. Current Account: £11,358.83 reconciled: £10,658.83
ii. Deposit Account £11,555.85
iii. No2 Account £3,943.35
iv. Jubilee Account £427.15

11. To receive play area report
The inspection has been booked and will take place on 16 December at 9.30am.

12. Planning applications received for decision at this meeting
There were no planning applications for this meeting.

13. To report any planning decisions from ELDC
No planning decisions have been received for this meeting

14. To receive report from representative on the William Lovell Foundation 
Mrs Dodds sent a written report from the latest meeting of the William Lovell Foundation, this was read out to the meeting.

15. To receive reports for LCC highways
a. Any pot holes or street lights for repair
Potholes have re-appeared at the Hall Lane/Holmes Road junction.
b. Any other LCC highway matters
The footways at Horbling Lane and Hall Lane need to be inspected by LCC.

16. Correspondence received for this meeting
There was no correspondence received.

17. Matters for the next agenda
a. Stickney News
b. Renewable Energy – letter to the MP

18. Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on 06 February 2020 in the Bungalow at the Old Rectory,there will be a Public Forum from 7.15pm


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm