Annual Parish Meeting 2023

Minutes of the Stickney Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 13 April 2023 at 7.40pm in the Youth Centre, Hall Lane

1.    Apologies

Apologies have been received from Mrs Edwards

Present:  Thirteen members of the public, three Parish Councillors Dist Cllrs Ashton and Jones, County Cllr Bowkett, and M Bolland (Chairman of the Parish Council)

2.    Minutes of the annual parish meeting, held remotely on 25 May 2023

The Chairman read out the minutes, it was resolved that these be signed as a true record.  

3.    Chairman’s annual report 

The Chairman read out the annual report, a copy is attached and a copy of this will be put in the Parish Magazine.

4.    Speaker:  Dist Cllr Ashton, ELDC portfolio holder for planning

Cllr Ashton gave an interesting talk about the Local Plan, how it works within the National Planning Policy Framework and alongside Neighbourhood Plans.  Central Government want ELDC to have a five year forward supply of housing, this has to be taken into consideration within the Local Plan.  Flooding is an issue that must be considered as well as sustainability of all areas in the District.  The possibility of an Appeal has to be considered when making  planning decisions, hence land that is not marked for development may, in some circumstances, still get permission for development.  The Government are considering that a 10% net gain for bio-diversity be put in place when developers put in a planning application, this is a good thing in practice, but may take funding from S106 agreements.

Cllr Ashton was asked about the housing allocation for Stickney, he will advise the Clerk when he has the figures.  A question was asked about eco-built properties having wood burners installed, if there is an issue the Environmental Health would deal with this.  The dykes are being filled in around Stickney Meadows, Cllr Ashton will ask for more details after the meeting.  The lack of a decent bus service, shopping facilities and recreation for young people was reported, these are not planning issues.

Residents are concerned about the numbers increasing for using the surgery where there are already problems for existing patients, and concerns as to whether the school can cope with any additional children.  Whilst the school and the surgery report that they can cope, then their comments have to be accepted.  Developers make considerable funds available for the NHS and for education via S106 agreements, agreed prior to planning permission being given.

Dist Cllr Jones reported that Stickney is a ‘large village’ and will be a place for development, any objections sent to ELDC should be valid objections.  Just not wanting something cannot be a valid objection.  There is currently very little happening at ELDC due to being in the pre-election period.

County Cllr Bowkett introduced herself and reported:
It has been a pleasure to work with you over the past year, as always your support is greatly received and working together we can get things done.

Speeding through the village is still an issue and we must press together for the PCSOs and now also LCC highways team to do regular speed checks around the village.

I was pleased to bring Cllr Davies and my highways officer to see the issues we have with parking outside both schools, and a discussion on the siting of the zebra crossing along with the positioning of the yellow and white lines outside both schools and the Main Road.
Hopefully the renewed road markings will help reduce dangerous parking.

The speed reduction signage for the A16 is being designed and should be in place by the summer at the latest, I apologise for the delay in this matter.

In our budget this year a total of £93 million has been put into highways, which includes an extra £7 million which LCC have added to the budget received from government.  This will help enormously in improving safety, especially on our unclassified roads.  Any issues you see around your community, with pot holes, drainage, street lighting, to name a few, please report in on Fix my Street or call highways.

In my role as Adult Care and Public Health Exec member, we have secured £4 million pounds to further the work with Alcohol and drug treatment across the county.  This is very important work and I am saddened to say since COVID there is a real problem with excessive alcohol consumption, so hopefully this help can reach even more people than before.  The Adult Care budget for this next financial year is £169 million and the budget for Children's services is £98 million these are statuary services but just show you how much money is needed to run our County services.

The latest COVID booster vaccine is now available for the over 75’s or anyone with a weakened immune system, you should be contacted to book by the NHS app, you can go on the website to book, or call 119 free of charge.

Please as always contact me with any issues.

5.    Any other business – open to members of the public

Issues regarding litter around the village were raised.  It was suggested that hi-viz vests be sought and litter pickers and arrange a volunteer litter picking day.

A resident reported a number of issues near to a property, County Cllr Bowkett is aware of the situation and the matter is in hand with the relevant authorities.

In answer to another question it was confirmed that the planning application for 50 properties, a shop and four industrial units has not yet been decided.

Some residents would like a pub in the village, Cllr Ashton suggested that a pop-up pub could run in the Village Hall on a monthly basis.  If anyone is interested they should go to the AGM and speak to the Committee about the idea.

LCC are responsible for highways verge cuts, they do three a year.  Additional cuts will take place where there is a safety issue.

The Clerk will speak to the cemetery grass cutter about an issue raised at the meeting.



There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm