Nnovembeer 2024

Notes from the public forum held on 07  November 2024


There were four members of the public present, together with Dist Cllr Jones. 

The recent slurry sealing of the footways have caused issues with residents being unable to get their cars off their driveways, detailed information should have been given to all residents affected.  LCC are aware of the issues and poor work carried out.  The road signage needs to be cleaned and the road markings should be replaced when the puffin crossing has been installed.  The road closure signs need the times of the closure on them.  Can LCC place 30mph repeater signs on Horbling Lane.


7.40pm   Two members of the public and the County and District Councillors left the meeting



Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 07 November 2024 at 7.40pm in the Youth Centre, Hall Lane


1. To accept apologies and reason for absence


Apologies were received from Cllr Gray and County Cllr Bowkett


Present:  Cllrs Sherriff, Burton, Hopkins, Pocklington, Burton, Jones and Edwards (Chairman)


2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


a. County Cllr Bowkett was not present


b. Dist Cllr Jones reported:

i. ELDC have £11m available in the form of grants for rural areas.  This money is available on a first come first served basis.  The money is to revitalise the village.

ii. £500 has been made available for the Bowls Club from the Councillor Grant.

iii. No decision has been made regarding the application for 46 properties off Stickney Meadows, the application will be decided by the Planning Committee.

iv. S106 money received by ELDC due to developments in Stickney do not seem to be getting to the NHS or Education areas in Stickney.   The Parish Council will send a Freedom of Information request to the relevant person who would deal with this.


3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were no declarations of interest.


4. Notes of the meeting held on 03 October 2024 to be approved and signed as the minutes


It was proposed by Cllr Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Pocklington that the notes, previously circulated, be signed as the minutes.


5. Clerk’s report


a. Cllr Burton will represent the Parish Council, via Teams, at a Police Engagement Session on 16 January 2024.

b. The new NALC pay scales from April 2024 have been received.  It was resolved that the increase be paid to the Clerk.


6. Chairman’s report


The Chairman had nothing to report, all items are on the agenda.


7. Finance report:


a. Authority for payment:       £

i. Salaries (October)                894.28

ii. Clerk’s expenses     66.60

iii. Page Paper (paper for magazines)     36.88

iv. K & P Services (clock winding/cemetery work)       80.00

v. 707 Ltd (Cemetery Skip - August)       45.76

vi. Bolingbroke Deanery (November – cheque previously signed)     96.00

vii. Bolingbroke Deanery (December/January)      TBA

viii. HSBC Bank Charges       12.60       

ix. Malc Firth Landscapes (Play area grass cuts)     29.40

x. Anglian Water (cemetery supply – d/d)     23.36

xi. TJW Services (footpath cuts)   468.00

xii. EKM Limited (replacement cheque)   576.00

xiii. E L Arnold (Christmas lights)     69.88

xiv. E L Arnold (ink)     72.28

xv. Haines Watts (PAYE)       27.00


b.   The balances in bank at 15 September:  Current account  £16,315.59, recon.  £15,628.46 

Deposit account  £11,937.56

    No2 account         £6,582.62

       c.    Lloyds Bank are now charging for Community Accounts.  Following discussion it was resolved to look at opening an account at the Co-op.


8. To discuss the budget for the year ended 31 March 2026


a. All Councillors have a copy of the draft budget to the year ended 31 March 2026 together with the budget control for the current financial year.

b. Following discussion it was resolved to make some changes to the figures.

c. It was proposed by Cllr Sherriff and seconded by Cllr Jones, all agreed, that the precept should be set at £30,000, an increase of £5000 on last year.

d. The budget will be approved at the December meeting.


9. To discuss the A16 proposed bus stop clearway


LCC have sent information regarding a bus stop clearway opposite the shop.  There were no objections to this.


10. Planning applications received


There were no planning applications for this meeting.


11. To report any planning decisions from ELDC


Full planning permission has been received for:


S/169/00988/24 - Firth Brothers Developments - Erection of a residential double garage at The Nook, Main Road.


S/169/01363/24 - Mr B Exton - Erection of a menage and construction of a horse walker at Meadow View, Stickney Meadows,


Approval of Section 73 application has been received for:


S/169/01088/24 - Mr H Hiley - Section 73 application to remove condition 3 (commercial use) and vary condition 4 (welfare use) as previously imposed on planning permission S/169/00113/24for the change of use to Nature Conservation Area.  Including replacement access, revised parking and turning and relocation of mobile home at Land adjacent to Station Business Park, Main Road


12. To consider purchase of an interactive speed sign


a. Information was given to Councillors regarding the costs of interactive signs with solar panels.  These units cannot be moved once installed.

b. Following discussion it was resolved to apply for some of the £11m for four solar powered interactive signs.


13. To discuss issues at the cemetery/churchyard


a. The post at the ashes area needs to be repaired.

b. Some headstones are laying down and need to be turned over.

c. Wm Kent’s will be asked for a quote to carry out these works.

d. The tap is not running correctly, the plumber who installed it will be asked to sort this out.


14. To report highways issues


a. Can the Give Way sign at the Horbling Lane/A16 junction be changed to a Stop sign?

b. Vehicles are parking on the footway at Horbling Lane.

c. There is a vehicle in the lay-by on the Main Road which is not taxed and has no MOT.

d. The recent vehicle count and speed check on the A16 was not as true as it should be.  The box was placed near to the bus stop, near to two junctions where cars slow down to turn off hence slowing other traffic down.

e. The A16 is used at the Speed Awareness courses as an example of a road with multiple hazards.

f. The people slurry sealing the footway at Main Road reported that they had had to use stop/go boards for the first time when carrying out this work.

g. The glass in the defibrillator box has not yet been replaced.

h. Would it be possible to have a seat in the brick bus shelter?

i. A quote has been sought to replace the cover over the mural in the bus shelter.


15. To receive play area report


a. A quote has been sought for a new sign for the play area, and for a cover for the existing sign.

b. The play area inspection offer will be chased up.

c. Malc Firth Landscapes will be asked to sort out the grass surface in the play area after bikes have been used to churn it up.


16. To discuss the 2024 Christmas event


a. The Christmas event will take place on 27 November 2024.  The lights and tree will be up on Monday 25 November. 

b. Additional tree lights have arrived for outside the Church.

c. The Hundleby Community Choir will perform again and Santa is available too.

d. Residents are invited to put decorations on the tree on the night of 27 November.


17. Correspondence received for this meeting


There was no other correspondence received for this meeting


18. Other business – matters for the next agenda


There were no matters for the next agenda


19. Date of next meeting


The next meeting will be held on Thursday 05 December 2024 in the Youth Centre at 7.30pm with a Public Forum from 7.15pm












There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.35pm