11 June 2020 - remote meeting

Minutes of the remote meeting held on 11 June 2020 at 7.30pm

1. Apologies for absence 

Apologies: Apologies were accepted from County Cllr Bowkett

Present: Cllrs Lawrence, Edwards and Bolland (Chairman)

Also present: Dist Cllrs Ashton and Jones

2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies 

Dist Cllr Jones reported:

a. Planning permission has been given for 80 properties to be built in Sibsey.
b. The bin collections will change from Friday to Thursday
c. The sharing of services between Boston Borough Council was approved at ELDC, but not, so far, at Boston BC. A saving of £1.5m would have been made had this happened.

Dist Cllr Ashton reported:

a. The services suggested to be shared between Boston BC and ELDC are Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, S151 Finance Officer and the Monitoring Officer. Boston BC withdrew the option so further discussions can take place.
b. LCC have restarted discussions with regard to devolution.
c. The pandemic has had an effect on businesses, ELDC are now consulting for coastal industries to continue to operate as long as they wish to.

7.45pm Dist Cllrs Ashton and Jones left the remote meeting

County Cllr Bowkett reported by email:

a. LCC are in discussions about potential devolution.
b. Household waste recycling sites have re-opened.
c. LCC are looking at getting children back into schools safely.
d. The LCC Resilience Forum and Well Being Service are still working to help vulnerableresidents in Lincolnshire.

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 

There were no declarations of interest.

4.Notes of the meeting held on 21 May 2020 to be approved and signed as minutes 

It was proposed by Cllr Edwards and seconded by Cllr Lawrence that the minutes be signed as a true record, the minutes they will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

5. Clerk’s report covering matters from the December meeting

The Clerk had nothing to report.

6. To receive a report from the Chairman 

The Chairman reported that the cemetery is in good order and the hedges have been cut.

7.50pm Cllr Pritchard arrived at the remote meeting

7. Finance report

a. To report the following payments will be made:
Salaries 710.48
UK Waste Solutions (cemetery skip – February) 34.90
K & P Services (Clock winding) 40.00
Malc Firth Landscapes (cemetery first cut) 180.00

b. The balances in the bank accounts was not reported.

8. Audit for the year ended 31 March 2020 

a. All the books and paperwork are with the Internal Auditor.
b. The Electors Rights and accompanying paperwork are in the notice boards and on the website asrequired.

9. To receive play area report 

The play area is still locked to help keep residents safe.

10. Planning applications received 

There were no planning applications to discuss

11. To report any planning decisions from ELDC

FULL Planning permission has been received for:

S/169/00640/20 Mr M Cannon Erection of a detached bungalow and erection of a garage and construction of a vehicular access at Land adjacent to Main Road

S/169/00622/20 Stickney Meadows Erection of a detached house with a 3 bay garage and workshop attached.  Erection of a detached building consisting of a swimming pool, plant room ad sauna with a gym over. Construction of vehicular access with entrance walls and gate to a maximum height of 201 metres. Change of use of land to equestrian use to include the erection of a stable block consisting of 4 stables, a tack room, store and feed storage area with a hardstanding area and a menage with 4 lighting columns to a maximum height of 5 metres. Erection of a barn for the storage of
machinery and straw at Land behind Stickney Meadows, Main Road.

12. To receive reports for LCC Highways

There were no additional issues to report

13. To consider a parish magazine for July 

It was resolved to do a magazine for July, items are required by 14 June.

14. Matters for the next agenda 

a. Dog fouling

15. Date if next meeting

The next Parish Council remote meeting will be held on 02 July 2020


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05pm