March 2024

Notes from the public forum held on 07 March 2024


There were two members of the public present.  They came along to ask about speeding traffic on the A16 and the issue of dog faeces on footways and garden fronts.


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 07 March 2024 at 7.30pm in the Youth Centre, Hall Lane


1. To accept apologies and reason for absence


Apologies were received from Dist Cllr Ashton 


Present:  Cllrs Pritchard, Jones, Hopkins, Pocklington, Sherriff and Edwards (Chairman)


Also present:  County Cllr Bowkett, Dist Cllr Jones and two members of the public


2. To co-opt a new councillor


There were no applications for co-option.  New posters will be placed in the notice boards.


3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


County Cllr Bowkett reported:

a. The MP’s in the areas affected by the proposed pylons are working with LCC and ELDC to get an alternative way to bring electricity onshore.

b. In 2023 highways fixed 110,532 potholes, repaired 224 miles of road, rebuilt 11 miles of footway and cleaned 192,235 drains.  £19m has been added to the highways budget.

c. £4m has been added to the flood fund to help during storm conditions.  An additional four jetters are to be purchased and four officers to help with co-ordinating help to residents.

d. Anglian Water are continuing to investigate issues in Stickney and a report will be given in due course.  Residents with sewerage issues during the storms can claim a refund from Anglian Water and have their water bill reduced.

e. The doctors surgery are looking into the issues of parking, LCC are trying to help with this issue.

f. The footways in Horbling Lane are to be re-surfaced.


Dist Cllr Jones reported:

a. ELDC is working alongside LCC against having pylons over the Wolds.

b. Work to be carried out by the Pride Team should be arranged via the ELDC website.

c. Rates have been increased by 3.6%,  a cost of £4.95 to a band D property.  60% of the Council Tax goes to the Drainage Board which has increased its precept by 38% since 2021.

d. District Councillors have had a pay increase of 6%.

e. The planning application for the properties to the rear of William Lovell has been ‘called in’ for a committee decision.


7.50pm  County Cllr Bowkett and Dist Cllr Jones left the meeting


4. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were no declarations of interest.


5. Notes of the meeting held on 01 February 2024 to be approved and signed as the minutes


It was resolved that the notes, previously circulated, be signed as the minutes.


6. Clerk’s report


a. The new company for PAYE has been confirmed and the necessary paperwork has been signed and returned.

b. An issue regarding the cemetery was discussed and resolved.

c. Paperwork for the Valuations Office has been completed and returned.


7. Chairman's report:


The Chairman reported that the bin has now been removed from the Churchyard.  Perhaps another way of siting a Christmas tree can be considered for this year.


8. Finance report:


a. Authority for payment:       £


i. Clerk’s expenses (February)     97.25

ii. Salaries (February)   856.28

iii. E L Arnold (White paper for magazine)     19.60

iv. E L Arnold (Ink)     64.28

v. K & P Services (clock winding/cemetery work)     80.00

vi. 707 Ltd (cemetery skip - February)     45.76

vii. Bolingbroke Deanery (March)     84.00

viii. Bolingbroke Deanery (April magazine)     TBA

ix. HSBC Bank Charges       9.40

x. Evelyn Sands (PAYE and P60)   105.00

xi. Haines Watts (PAYE)      TBA

xii. Page Paper (replacement cheque)     28.76


b.   The balances in bank at 15 January 2024:    Current account    £3,920.80 

    Deposit account  £11,761.65

        No2 account         £6,119.66


9. To discuss the artwork at the bus shelter at Main Road


a. Two Councillors have visited the William Lovell to discuss this project.

b. The teacher and some of the pupils will attend the April meeting to show the designs they have been working on.


10. Planning applicaitons received


The Parish Council supported to the following planning applications:


S/169/01928/21 - Mr M Cannon - Outline erection of 9 dwellings (with means of access, layout and scale to be considered) at Castle Rock, Main Road – Amendment


S/169/00072/24 - A R Craven Farms Ltd - Construction of vehicular access (works completed) at Land at Hagnaby Lock, East Kirkby


11. To report any plannin gdecisions from ELDC


Full planning permission has been received for:

S/169/01928/21 - Mr M Cannon - Outline erection of 9 dwellings (with means of access, layout and scale to be considered) at Castle Rock, Main Road – Amendment


12. To discuss the National Grid Grimsby to Wapole proposal


a. The public consultation ends on 13 March.

b. There will be a further consultation on a year.


13. To consider locations for EV chargers and any possible infrastructure to improve local travel


a. A possible site for EV chargers would be the Village Hall.

b. To improve local travel:

i. A cycle route between Stickney and Sibsey Northlands

ii. Improved bus service on weekdays – to get to Boston by 8.00am for example

iii. Have more than two buses on a Saturday into Boston

iv. Have a Sunday bus service.


14. To receive update regarding the defibrillator at the Youth Centre


a. The defibrillator has been delivered and taken to the Village Hall booking clerk.

b. The booking clerk will work with the electrician who does the work at the Village Hall to get the defibrillator installed and the invoice will be sent to the Parish Council.

c. An offer of £100.00 has been received from the Stickney Show Committee following the success of the New Year’s Eve event in the village, towards the defibrillator.  It was resolved that this could be used towards the installation cost.


15. To receive play area report


a. One sign has been cleaned and the second needs a new Perspex cover.

b. The pine needles will be removed from the toddler equipment.


16. To receive reports for highways


a.    The hedges by the footway by the school have not been cut back, it is now too late to do this.

b. The storm drain covers are lower than the road surface causing issues for home owners along Main Road.

c. Cones are being placed on the roadside outside the burger van when it is closed.


17. Correspondence received for this meeting


A brochure was handed to a Councillor, there was no other correspondence.


18. Other business – matters for the next agenda


There were no additional matters for the next agenda.


19. Date of next meeting


The next meeting will be held on Thursday 04 April 2024 at 7.30pm in Youth Centre, Hall Lane with a Public Forum from 7.15pm




There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm