01 April 2021 - remote meeting

Minutes of the Stickney Parish Council remote meeting held on Thursday 04 March 2021 at 7.30pm

1.                Apologies for absence

Apologies:  Apologies were accepted from Cllr Cooper

Present:  Cllrs Lawrence, Pavely, Cockburn, Edwards, Pritchard, and Bolland (Chairman)

Also present:  County Cllr Bowkett, Dist Cllr Jones and one member of the public

2.                To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies

County Cllr Bowkett reported:

a.         A written report has been received and was outlined by County Cllr Bowkett.

b.        An extra £12.5m is being given to LCC for rural roads and flooding.

c.         LCC are aiming to be zero carbon by 2050

d.        The vaccination programme is going well.

e.         Rural business grants are available.

Dist Cllr Jones reported:

a.       Skegness and Mablethorpe have been awarded Government funding of £48m for the Towns Fund scheme.

b.      The Housing Strategy Plan has been agreed at ELDC and will be out for consultation – please respond in the sections that affect Stickney

c.       The Dist Councillor grants of £1000 to be Covid related and £500 for community use have been applied for by the school and the Parish Council respectively.  There should be no problems with these applications.

d.      Cllr Pritchard asked about cutting down trees and hedges – they should not be cut after the end of March due to nesting birds.

e.       Dist Cllr Jones will advise the Parish Council of the rules for bonfires.

f.        The Clerk will report fly tipping of tyres and fridges in a lane by Hagnaby Lock,

7.45pm  County Cllr Bowkett and Dist Cllr Jones left the meeting

The PCSO reported by email:

                       a.          The Nextdoor social media site is not monitored by the Police, residents should call 101 to report incidents or 999 when necessary.

                       b.          Speed checks have been carried out at Horbling Lane, further checks will be carried out.

3.                To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

There were no declarations of interest.

4.                Notes of the meeting held on 04 February 2021 to be approved and signed as minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Bolland and seconded by Cllr Pritchard that the minutes be signed as a true record after it was noted that the date in No 4 should be 05 November and not 03 September, they will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

5.                Clerk’s report covering matters from the February meeting

The Clerk reported that a cheque had been returned by the bank due to the Clerk not being a signatory on the account.  The bank had the signature on the mandate, the problem is now resolved.

6.                To receive a report from the Chairman

The Chairman had nothing to report.

7.                To receive report regarding the Councillors Community Grant

a.       The District Council grant application forms have been completed by the primary school PTFA to fund two laptops with head phones – these are to be used by students in school and be lent to any student who may have to isolate in the coming months.

b.      The Parish Council application is to fund the removal of a dead tree in the churchyard.

8.                To consider the LALC annual training scheme

a.       The cost for the annual training scheme is £120.00.

b.      Following discussion it was resolved to not join the scheme this year, but to reconsider for next year.

9.                Finance report:                                                                                 

a.       To report the following payments will be made:


                        Salaries (January)                                                                               782.89

                        E L Arnold (expenses)                                                                            35.96

                        K & P Services (clock winding etc)                                                         40.00

                        Bolingbroke Deanery (April magazine)                                                   60.00

                       LALC (annual subscription)                                                             273.87

UK Waste Solutions (Cemetery skip) Invoice not arrived                      TBA

Paul Greenhough (coloured magazine paper)                                      25.16   

b.      Bank balances at 15 February:      Current account: £9370.83     rec: £8736.41

                                                      Deposit account:                         £11,573.36

                                                      No2 account:                                 £4,457.62

                                                      Jubilee account:                               £427.15

10.            To receive report and comments regarding Viking Link

a.       Cllr Pavely had emailed a report from the last meeting.

b.      Viking Link were unaware there are two schools in Stickney.

c.       The schools will have Community Engagement with regard to the environment and archaeology provided by Viking Link.

d.      Nothing has been done with regard to loneliness due to Covid.

e.       The next meeting will be in four months.

11.            To receive play area report

a.       The new bolts have not been fitted yet.

b.      There were no other issues to report

12.            Stickney News

a.       No issue in March due to Covid 19, is a April issue to be printed?

Following discussion it was resolved that there would be an April magazine.

b.      Advertising

Only one of the existing advertisers wants to continue, there may be one new advertiser.  Other possible advertisers were suggested.

13.            Cemetery and churchyard – dead tree by the footpath in the Churchyard

a.       When the grant has been received the work to remove the tree will be ordered.

b.      The two stumps from the previously removed trees will be ground out.

c.       The stump from the tree to be removed may be turned into a seat.

14.            Planning applications received

The following planning applications were supported by the Parish Council:

S/169/00241/21 - RH Developments - Detailed particulars relating to the erection of 2 detached bungalows on the site of the existing building which is to be demolished (outline planning permission S/169/01538/19 – outline erection of 2 dwellings with means of access to be considered), including alterations to the vehicle access for the adjoining property at Lynwood, Main Road.

S/169/00274/21 - Mr R Paul - Non-material amendment further to that previously approved under reference S/169/00627/18

S/169/00288/21 - Mr & Mrs Dimmock Dixon - Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a ground floor office/bedroom and lounge with a first floor bedroom over at 6 Station Cottages, Main Road


Full planning permission has been received for:

S/169/02291/20 - Mrs J Baines - Erection of a detached bungalow with an attached garage on the site of the existing dwelling which is to be demolished at Maidens, Hall Lane

16.            To receive report regarding the public footpaths

a.       An email has been received from the LCC Countryside Agency, the public footpaths have been inspected and some stiles will be removed along some footpaths to make them more accessible to all users.

b.      Any issues at the picnic site should be reported to the Police on 101.

17.            To receive reports for highways

a.       The bank has slipped on the East Catchwater drain.

b.      The ‘0’ on the 30mph sign is still not lit up, this has been reported on Fix My Street.

18.            To consider the Annual Parish Meeting to be held in April via zoom

a.       The Clerk outlined the situation regarding ‘gatherings’ in May with regard to Covid.

b.      Following discussion it was resolved to hold the Annual Parish Meeting remotely

19.            Matters for the next agenda

There were no matters for the next agenda.

20.            Date of next meeting

The next Parish Council remote meeting will be held on 01 April 2021

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm