04 March 2021 - remote meeting
The next meeting of the parish council will take place, remotely, on Thursday 04 March 2021 commencing at 7.30pm. The details for the remote meeting are:
ID: 221-292-2213 Password: PCmeeting
There will be no public forum. If any member of the public has any comments for this meeting, please contact the Clerk on 01205 270352 or email stickneypc@aol.com
1. To accept apologies and reasons for absence
2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. Notes of the remote meeting held on 04 February 2021 to be approved as the minutes, to be signed at a later date
5. Clerk’s Report
6. To receive report from the Chairman
7. To receive report regarding the Councillors Community Grant application
8. To consider the LALC Annual Training Scheme
9. Finance Report:
a. Payments to be made:
Salaries (February) 782.89
E L Arnold – expenses TBA
K & P Services (clock winding etc) 40.00
Bolingbroke Deanery (April magazine) 60.00
LALC (Annual subscription) 273.87
LALC (Training fee) 120.00
U K Waste Solutions (cemetery skip) TBA
b. To report balances in bank accounts
10. To receive update regarding Viking Link
11. To receive play area report:
12. Stickney News:
a. No issue in March due to COVID 19, is an April issue to be printed?
b. Advertising
13. Cemetery and Churchyard - Dead tree in Churchyard by footpath
14. Planning applications received for decision at this meeting. (NB: Plans can be viewed at or via Parish Council website):
S/169/00241/21 – RH Developments – detailed particulars relating to the erection of 2 detached bungalows on the site of the existing building which is to be demolished (outline planning permission S/169/01538/19 – outline erection of 2 dwellings with means of access to be considered), including alterations to the vehicle access for the adjoining property at Lynwood, Main Road.
S/169/00274/21 – Mr R Paul – Non-material amendment further to that previously approved under reference S/169/00627/18
S/169/00288/21 – Mr & Mrs Dimmock Dixon – Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a ground floor office/bedroom and lounge with a first floor bedroom over at 6 Station Cottages, Main Road
15. To report any planning decisions from ELDC
16. To receive report regarding the Public Footpaths
17. To receive reports for LCC Highways
18. To consider the Annual Parish meeting to be held in April via zoom
19. Other Business – matters for next agenda
20. Date and time of next remote meeting – 01 April 2021