05 November 2020 - remote meeting
Stickney Parish Council
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place, remotely, on Thursday 05 November 2020 commencing at 7.30pm. The details for the remote meeting are:
ID: 221-292-2213 Password: PCmeeting
There will be no public forum. If any member of the public has any comments for this meeting, please contact the Clerk on 01205 270352 or email stickneypc@aol.com
1. To accept apologies and reasons for absence
2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. Notes of the remote meeting held on 03 September to be approved as the minutes, to be signed at a later date
5. Clerk’s Report
6. To receive report from the Chairman
7. Finance Report:
a. Payments to be made:
Salaries & back pay 1164.16
E L Arnold – expenses 228.64
K & P Services (clock winding etc) 40.00
U K Waste Solutions Ltd (cemetery skip) TBA
Malc Firth Landscapes (play area cuts) TBA
Bolingbroke Deanery (December magazine) 60.00
E L Arnold (white paper – 2 magazines) 45.00
E L Arnold (zoom licence) 14.39
T J W Services (footpath cuts) 426.00
Paul Greenhough (coloured paper) TBA
Edmund Czajkowski & Son (Church clock service) 171.50
Royal British Legion (donation for wreath) 100.00
b. To report balances in bank accounts
8. To discuss the draft budget for 2021/2022
9. To receive any comments regarding information received from Viking Link
10. To receive play area report
11. Cemetery and Churchyard
a. Dead tree in Churchyard by footpath
b. Disrespect of young people in the cemetery
12. Planning applications received for decision at this meeting. (NB: Plans can be viewed at or via Parish Council website):
S/169/01887/20 - Bowbridge (Kier) Limited – Section 73 application in relation to condition no 4 (affordable housing) as imposed on planning permission reference S/169/00775/05 which was for erection of 46 houses; construction of vehicular access and estate roads. Private drives, car parking area and footpaths; and pumping station; provision of public open space and erection of screen walls (2 metre max height), dwarf wall and railings (1.5 metre max height) and dwarf wall (1 metre max height) at Land north of Hall Lane.
13. To report any planning decisions from ELDC
14. To receive reports for LCC Highways
15. Other Business – matters for next agenda
16. Date and time of next remote meeting – 03 December 2020